Thread: I need practice
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Old August 5, 2013, 10:06 PM   #4
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Join Date: April 14, 2012
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GJ, I've only been shooting handguns for about a year and a half, and have a couple of FNP40s. I have for the most part tried to take advice from here and work it into my practice sessions and generally have trained myself away from flinching and anticipating the recoil. I've shot a few other calibers but don't see much difference when shooting a full sized gun. On the other hand, shooting a LCR .357 leaves quite an impression, and a colt 1911 .22 hardly moves or makes a sound when I shoot.

John, thanks for the advice also. When I shoot, I will change my stance occasionally to find the most stable position. Not blinking is where I need work and while I try to watch the shell fly and gas discharge, I most often blink anyway and need to keep the front sight in sight. I'm working on that and will work on the suggestions you gave.

Appreciate the help,
dstryr, since 1986.
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