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Old December 19, 2014, 10:52 PM   #17
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Join Date: April 16, 2012
Location: Idaho
Posts: 432
Well, I have to respectfully disagree with this assessment. The guy changing his tire saw the truck coming again.

First, it would be easy enough for him to back away from the road. He, instead, chose to stand his ground. Unless he lives in a "stand your ground" state, he may not have that right.

Second, a gun is not going to stop a truck.

Third, a gun definitely is not going to stop the driver, who would be on the right hand side of the vehicle. Even if the truck was stopped, how is the shooter going to hit the driver?

Fourth, there was a passenger in the vehicle. If the OP took a shot, and if he could hit any part of the moving vehicle, there is a much higher likelihood that he would end up hitting the passenger than the driver.

Fifth, even if the OP is some kind of super-man trick shooter and could plant a couple of slugs into the chest of the driver, then what? Where is that truck going to go? Who's lives will be endangered then?

Sixth, let's assume the OP made the shot, stopped the driver who coincidentally stopped the vehicle too without flipping it across several lanes, it's probably a bad shoot. Or, at least that's what the passenger is going to testify to - the OP shot an unarmed guy driving a truck.

What really bothers me about all of those posts who applaud what the OP did is that they are really applauding the fact that he brandished his firearm and was able to frighten off the truck driver. Because, if the OP actually took the shot, I doubt any of you would be applauding what he did. So, if the OP really felt his life was in eminent danger he most certainly would have unholstered his gun and fired several shots center mass.........but he didn't, did he. Why? Because he did not feel his life was truly in danger. He was just ****** off, and wanted to send the message "go ahead and make my day, screw with me one more time and I'm going to blow your head clean off". That's the case that will be made to the Jury, anyway.
I can see how you would see it like that. But I was afraid for my life. As far as leaving the road the dispatch lady told me to stay with the car. When you are afraid you dont always reason things out well. In hindsight I should have crossed the road and gone to hang out in the woods near by. But the next time your life is threatened let see how rashly you think. I did not fire because the truck changed back into his own lane. I was ready to fire. Believe me there was no "go ahead and make my day, screw with me one more time and I'm going to blow your head clean off"going on in my head. Fortunately the police agreed with me. I did call back yesterday as a follow up and they have not seen or heard from the truck. Obviously the guy did not feel the need to call the police even though he had a pistol drawn on him. That should tell you some thing.

Honestly I dont know why I feel the need to defend my self to this poster but for some reason I do. It all seems kind of strange like I need to explain it to some one.
Always looking for a good hunt!
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