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Old September 14, 2009, 09:42 PM   #23
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... for most of the US, you are probably right, but several threads involving Texas have posted the relevant statutes, and Texas seems to allow pursuit and possible use of deadly force to recover property.
And that's why it's good to be in Texas.

That said, Texas law allows the use of deadly force only under clearly articulated, reasonable (to us, anyway) conditions. It is certainly not a free-fire-zone, as much as some ill-informed and agenda-driven bird-cage liners would have you believe.

As many details are missing in this article (like, all of them?), I will try to reserve judgement, but from what little there was, the BG was shot through a door and in the buttocks? Sure sounds like lots of things wrong with this equation, but hey, like I said, lots of facts missing. Maybe the BG was trying to bust the door down with repeated blows from his 54" hips?

We'll just have to see how the evidence plays out.
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