Thread: Roll size
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Old July 16, 2005, 11:13 AM   #5
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Join Date: November 14, 1999
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I collect most of my 40 brass from the indoor range where I shoot as it seems to be a lot cleaner than the stuff that stays out overnight at the outdoor range. I'm pretty sure that because so many LE guys shoot there, that a LOT of the brass has been through a Glock. I often wonder how many of the cases have already been through an unsupported chamber and then through your pistol where you just let them fly (as I do as well) ... and then through John's and then Jack's and then Joe's ... I have probably 1000 to 1500 reloads through my HK USP40c, and its chamber seems to be sufficient to support even the "Glocked" brass of unknown history as I haven't had any of it vent (yet). That being said, my Sig225 (which by the pic ... looks pretty well supported) "vented" a midrange (5% under max) reload that I can only assume was previously fired in an unsupported chamber (but in reality it may have been through more than one. It made me happy to be wearing safety glasses ... but I was also impressed at how well the gasses were contained by this chamber. I thought I had a pic of the case, but I can't locate it. It WAS, however, enough to make me realize that I wouldn't ever carry reloads if I might need to fire without glasses on.


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