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Old September 22, 2011, 05:44 PM   #22
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...walking around in it as a civilian without a high-risk occupation (or an active threat) is getting pretty close to black-helicopter thinking.
I think that's what anti-gunners think of us, or anyone who would arm themselves and carry on a daily basis.

I've never needed to defend myself with a firearm. I could make an argument that it's 100% unnecesary to carry, and anectdotaly - I have a pretty good case to back that up, over four decades of never being attacked or having to deploy a firearm.

Most people on this forum don't buy that argument, it's all been debated out before to the satisfaction of most people on this board and most people here beleive that in most cases (not all) it's prudent to carry.

I'm making two points:

1) Barring heat or a situation that would make wearing a vest extremely uncomfortable, or impossible (day at the beach) - logically, all the reasons for carrying would also seem to indicate wearing body armor. Put on body armor for the same reasons you take a gun with you.

2) I think the main reason it doesn't get more attention in some people's tactical thinking is that like me, they like guns, their imagination is captured by guns, they can envision a situation where a gun might save their life. But body armor is boring.
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