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Old March 10, 2020, 05:45 PM   #17
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Biden, as listed on his website, is proposing going MUCH further than the pending "Boyfriend Loophole", and making ALL Misdemeanor Assault, stalking, harrassment convictions (regardless of any relationship to the victim!), retroactively grounds for Federal prohibition of firearms ownership. Yes, a simple assault misd. charge from a college barfight 35 years ago will now suddenly render you a prohibited person, same as a Felon, under Biden's plan. How law abiding you have lived since that decades old mistake of youth matters not, Biden and the left doesn't want you to own a gun now. Like chopping a tree, they intend to chip away at who can own guns and what kind of guns you are allowed to own, one law at a time. They want to institute the same Draconian Rules as they already have in Hawaii and California on a FEDERAL level. Can you imagine if he gets elected what he else he will do? Assualt weapons? All Semiautomatics? That will be just the beginning. They want them ALL! The NRA needs to fight this tooth and nail.

Last edited by shurshot; March 10, 2020 at 06:27 PM.
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