Thread: baaaaaaaad week
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Old January 24, 2006, 04:09 PM   #18
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WoW ! Talk about lightening hitting twice in the same spot ... I shake my head. You have indeed had a week to remember. I can certainly understand your thoughts and feelings ... my son was threatened with a knife when he walked through a condominium complex next to ours and was confronted by a latino kid a year or two younger than his 17 years. Being a dumb jock, he walked up and decked the kid with a right cross to the nose. The kid took off up stairs to a 2nd storey unit and 4 bigger, and older latinos came out with the younger kid. My son is lucky he was in high school sports, for he was able to outrun them. My son has gotten wiser with age, but I still suspect his 1st impulse would to hit first, as hard as he can.

In reading your web page I can understand your thoughts and reactions. I will offer an opposite view simply to offer another view. I see Iraq much as you describe your promoted community, "They meant every able-bodied adult (not kids....neither of my sons are quite yet able to fill this role) to be armed, to be able to use those arms, and to be able to both KEEP and to BEAR them".

Unfortunately I suspect that such a community would become much like Iraq, and other middle eastern countries. Everyone would have weapons ... lots of gun fights ... and the governing body (authority) would need be as tough, strong, ruthless as a Saddam Hussein. Who else could hold together a country to rival, gun totting, groups (gangs, tribes, parties). I note here in the USA politicians we elect, or public servents hired, or appointed are routinely caught providing themselves, and their followers gratuities out of the public coffers ... some even get away with killing someone.

While maybe 50% of the folks carry a gun, the badguy has to guess and just might decide not to pick a victim, if he thinks the person might be armed. On the other hand, knowing the potential victim is armed will result in a stronger 1st assualt. Look at Iraq, those folks are armed to the teeth and they have multple deaths, kidnappings, etc. every week ... even the police and military members are not exempt.

Is that your dream community ... everyone with a gun. Do you really think that would stop everyone from criminal activity ? Instead of walking up and beating up your son, the guy could have walked up and shot him. Is that better ?

Unfortunately I think this country is spending way too much trying to do the impossible in Iraq. I personally think the money would have been better spent on police and military forces in this country, for building and funding more institutions to house more criminals, and for rebuilding our devistated areas, such as New Orleans. My big fear is that American lust for cheap goods and services, is counter to the productivity of our country. See

I think of the neighborhoods I grew up in during the 50's and then look at the neighborhoods I see today ... I too shudder. Maybe my grandson will have to carry an M16 and granades in his backpack, instead of books, just to go to school, but I certainly do not like that picture.

For these reasons I very much support it being tough to get a CCW, and do not think every Tom, Dick and Harry (or Trixie, Donna, and Harriet) ought be able to carry a concealed weapon.

I realize this is not the opinion on this board. Remember, I too carry (S&W 686), served honorably in another war, so I am not an anti. I would just like to hear other thoughts and opinions along these lines, in response to your story.

When the number of people in institutions reaches 51%, we change sides.

Last edited by Hook686; January 24, 2006 at 07:41 PM.
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