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Old April 19, 2021, 01:37 PM   #26
44 AMP
Join Date: March 11, 2006
Location: Upper US
Posts: 28,833
Thinking about it, or even talking about it, isn't illegal.
Actually, it can be...

Check out what has been done under "conspiracy" statutes.

Part of the people are obsessed with the idea that if they can get rid of guns, they will get rid of violence. For them, I recommend they set up their cot in any major prison (where there are no guns except in the guards hands) and see how safe they feel.

Another, and a large part of the people somehow believe that we can, or should be able to read minds, and that, somehow, we fail when we do not prevent that which we cannot see and cannot know about.

We cannot see inside people's heads to know what they are thinking. The most we can possibly do is based on what those people show us, and what they say, and guess what folks, people LIE!!!

There was a case not all that long ago, cops were called, and did a "wellness check" (mental health check) and found the individual sane, stable, rational, polite and apparently just fine. They left, no doubt feelng the guy was ok and not a threat.

THE NEXT DAY (or possibly the day after that, I forget...) that guy shot several people, stabbed several other and drove his car over some more people. And the reason he gave was his frustration/depression over not being able to find a girlfriend...

The mind of man is as trackless as a bog at midnight, and thinking we can see where a person's path is leading, correctly and without fail, is just delusional thinking.

Yet this is what some are demanding, and its what we are told is being offered with various gun control laws.
All else being equal (and it almost never is) bigger bullets tend to work better.
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