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Old July 23, 2014, 06:07 PM   #34
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Join Date: March 11, 2005
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Some good advice so far but here are some actual tips on what to do and what NOT to do when carrying.

- If you are getting an Inside the Waistband style holster, make sure you have pants that are an inch to 2 inches bigger than you wear. The bigger the holster (padding), the bigger the pants.
- Make sure the holster is comfortable against your skin or else concealed carry will get old quick!
- Dark colors will "print a whole lot less than light colors. Wear thicker shirts (polos rather than dress shirts or t-shirts) to avoid printing.
- If you are going Outside the Waistband, make sure your shirt is long enough to cover it and thick enough to not print. Again, dark colors will conceal much better and not print nearly as much.
- Based on your gun, you will not be pocket carrying this gun. For those who carry pocket pistols, pleated pants are the only way to go.
-The belt issue has been beaten to death, but a good sturdy belt will keep everything in place.

Actions: You are going to be self conscious at first. It is unavoidable.
- Wear your gun in your carry rig at home ALL the time to get used to it. The more you are used to the feel, the less likely you will think about it.
- Have someone "check you out" to ensure you are properly concealed in your carry rig and normal attire.
- Do NOT reach up with your strong side. You have a much greater chance of exposing your gun.
- Do NOT bend over to pick things up or tie your shoes as the butt of your gun WILL print. Instead, kneel down on your strong side knee.
- Experiment with carry positions: If you sit a lot, SOB (Small of Back) carry will be very uncomfortable. I personally prefer carrying at 3 o'clock since it is the easiest to protect (your arm protects your weapons from bumps) and the hardest to stop (harder for someone to stop you from drawing than other positions). I doubt you will go with a shoulder rig which requires that a jacket be worn at all times.
- If you are going to adjust your gun, pretend you are stretching and use your arm rather than your back to adjust the angle of the gun.
-PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE!!! If you can't get your gun, quickly and smoothly, it is useless to you (unless you are not in the line of fire).

That's all I can think of for now. Hope it helps!
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