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Old December 5, 2012, 09:45 PM   #3
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Join Date: September 24, 2012
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As long as the bored hole the ram rides in isn't worn out, causing excessive wobble when the ram is topped out, it should be as good as any of the rest of the cast iron SS presses on the market. I've thrown two cast iron presses away that had over 1/16" of play with the ram completely up. To me that is unexceptable. I bought a RockChucker Supreme somewhere around 1990 to replace them with and have used it hard ever since. I just measured it after I read your question and it measured at 1/64" play. If the former owner of yours oiled ram once in a while you probably have a pretty good press there.

Some may say the dies line the shell up anyways, that may be the case with a resizing die, but a worn out ram hole can cause bullets to seat crooked, and we all know that if a bullet hits the rifling crooked, it leaves the barrel crooked.
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