Thread: What Response?
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Old October 17, 2010, 12:48 AM   #42
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... I think that for some of us, at least, the last decade has changed outlooks on when to surrender.

When one's job requires one to spend time in proximity with people who like decapitating prisoners on video and the net, one spends a lot of time thinking about whether one should EVER surrender.

That mindset can leach over at home a bit... but it's there for a reason.

So I train against guys with practice guns. But every so often I also train against a partner who is using a live blade.

Scary thing is, I can take it from him. (Granted, we are trying to avoid getting cut, so the speed is taken down a notch, but the techniques still work like they should.... also, I've found that with the open-hand stuff, going to full speed just makes the guy fall that much harder; this has also proven true when using club-type weapons, with which we go quite a bit faster than with blades.)
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