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Old November 12, 2014, 08:00 AM   #49
Join Date: June 8, 2008
Posts: 4,022
Post by TmSr: Opening the door and brandishing a weapon when its a police officer knocking might not end well.
Same thing applies no matter who is there.

But according to the OP, he did not do that.
....I opened the front door with my left foot and shoulder behind it at about 45 degrees and the 642 in my right hand behind my back. I kept my body weight behind me and the gun behind my back while I curtly answered his questions...
Base on that description, he did not threaten anyone.

But the idea that he had effectively, or even partially, mitigated the risk of being harmed by a violent criminal actor, had the caller turned out to have been one, does not hold water.

There are much better ways to go about it, as indicated in the link I posted above.

and today's technology gives us access to still more. If you take the time to plan ahead, you can put in place affordable items that well permit you to scan the outside with your smartphone....

...wiithout going to the door, and without putting yourself at risk by standing in front of the door.
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