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Old December 8, 2011, 02:11 PM   #10
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Join Date: December 4, 2009
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I would caution against members judging (pun intended) a country's entire judicial system based on one news article.
If I were to dig around for a bit on the internet, I'm sure I might find examples of absurd sentences being handed out, or miscarriages of justice. Would I be then justified in damning the whole US judicial process as a result?
I have done hours of research concerning the UK and gun control and yes on the basis of the research I have conducted it is my informed opinion that as a nation there is a willful and purposeful intent by the legislative and judicial system to suppress all guns to the extreme. Freedom requires that one must be able to defend ones self and despite what some may think not everyone is a ninja or a multi discipline martial artist nor capable of ever being one.

Also absolutely our system of justice is completely broken along with our legislative and executive system.... Dont think so, go read the unconstitutional Patriot act and get back to me on an appropriate website.

The difference is on some level our broken system has been forced to own up to the fact that "arms" are a right.... in the UK you dont have anything approaching a right to self defense or arms capable of providing that defense for the average citizen. A people incapable of defending themselves are by my definition and many others not free....

One day they will pay a high price for this foolishness.... history is full of examples of what happens to unarmed populations....

The true shame as they as a nation dont even recognize it as a right when in history they often had a requirement of law to bear arms and practice with them.
Molon Labe

Last edited by BGutzman; December 8, 2011 at 02:30 PM.
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