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Old August 5, 2012, 02:12 PM   #81
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That sounded like where Glenn was going with his when in doubt statement. If you don't know them, then there's doubt. Still not a reason to call the boys in blue. I hadn't read anything yet suggesting that they were not leaving just hanging around...that very well could change things, agree on that.

I also hear lots of folks advocating calling the police if you hear a bump in the night on the premise that it is too dangerous to clear a house by yourself so hole up in the safe room with your gun and cell and wait for the police.

That seems ludicrous to me. I'm certainly not saying that house clearing is not dangerous, or that specific circumstances could not make calling 911 a good alternative. For the most part though, having a weapon (and a gun!) should give us a certain amount of independence, lessening dependence on the police. The police are useful and warranted in perhaps 2% (arbitrary number) of calls for help. People need to man up and use what God gave them to handle their lives and environment is my point.

Not answering the door is an option, but is largely self defeatist in my mind. It's practically anti-social. The poor economy is bringing more and more people to the door and the encounter could be win-win. In the last month, because I answered the door, I reduced my trash pick up bill from 28 to 12 bucks a month. Started the paper everyday and sunday for 12 bucks a month. The young man selling paper subscriptions was scruffy looking (better call the police). By signing up with him instead of calling in an air strike (sic), I was able to save money, and help the boy. His sold subscriptions gave him some sort of bonus points which help him somehow. The point is, he was doing something honest and I was able to help him with it. If I would call the law on him, would he be encouraged to do well and continue in his path of honesty? Perhaps not. I respect kids trying to do well and like to help. Not answering the door tears us all down a bit and is counter-productive to the highly social society that we live in.

I believe that brings us full circle back to our weapons, and guns. It would be a terrible thing to give up our humanity in the name of caution. I will clear my own house, and usually answer the door and yes with a concealed gun. My local police already know that if I call, something has happened, not just, I was fearful. YMMV.
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