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Old December 1, 2006, 12:03 PM   #5
Junior member
Join Date: March 31, 2006
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Hands seem become very fatigued holding onto and pulling a deer, the following has worked OK for me.
If you have snow one of the cheap blue tarps will help. You would need to tie it to the animal as they tear kinda easy, but they slide good on snow or ice.
I have found a one inch or slightly wider soft nylon strap several feet long can really help dragging. It can be wrapped around your wrist or I have even tied one around my waist, which can leave a hand free to carry you rifle.
A old hay hook with a good wooden handle hooked thru the lower jaw works good too, good handle to hold on to and keeps the head up so as not to catch on things dragging.
My favorite is to carry several hundred feet or rope and use the winch, relaying the rope, or have even tied rope to the bumper and pulled that way.
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