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Old July 17, 2013, 05:55 AM   #4
Dixie Gunsmithing
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Here is an update from the Washington Times, that I thought was pertinent:

"Most states have some form of a “stand your ground” reasoning in common and case law if not explicitly in a state statute, said Hans A. von Spakovsky, a senior legal fellow at the Heritage Foundation.

“This is not something new. The Supreme Court first laid out the doctrine that you're entitled to defend yourself and stand your ground in a case back in 1895 called Beard v. United States, and this was emphasized again back in 1921 by the very famous Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes,” said Mr. Spakovsky. “I don't see that states are going to retreat from that, to use a pun, any more than when the president tried to push through new gun control laws.”
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