Thread: Gun safes?
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Old September 22, 2005, 02:04 PM   #63
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I'm buying a 34 cubic foot fire lined safe (about 29 cubic feet interior) with 8 guage steel
whereas the 7 gauge steel that MY safe is made of cannot.
Do you even know what you own, or are you just a crappy salesperson. One of these statements is a lie.

Liberty safe is 10 gauge steel (some models are less with 12 guage), 3.571875mm thick.
You didn't say SOME Liberty safes are 10 gauge. This could be construed as a lie.

Liberties BEST safes are only 10 gauge steel.
Well, we know that's a lie, now don't we. Even you finally admitted it.

Thinner gauge metal, such as 10 or 12 gauge, can be punched through with a fireax or screwdriver
Like I said, you know NOTHING about metal. Your fireaxe theory is only speculation unless you have proof. You KNOW you are lying about the screwdriver. That is complete bs.

I'll ask this again since you never answer any of my questions. You seem to have info that their website doesn't list. Where did you get this bogus info?

Also, something people might want to keep in mind. Who the heck has heard of Sturdy? Why should anyone trust this tiny, little known company? What happens if they go out of business in a year or two?

If you just stated that sturdy makes a great safe for the money, and left it at that, you would have no problems. But you had to go ahead and bash other companies with lies and speculation.
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