Thread: Wad or Grease
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Old February 22, 2011, 10:14 AM   #15
Foto Joe
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Join Date: November 25, 2010
Location: Cody, Wyoming
Posts: 111
A lubed wad "might" give you some chainfire protection, grease or crisco, not so much. The first time you fire with grease over the ball, 90% of it is going away. Your best chainfire protection will be a proper sized ball and a proper sized nipple.

Since chainfire really isn't an issue with regards to this, your choice is simply what lubrication if any would work best?? Pretty much all of the above, including none. It's just a matter of what you will have to do to the gun during your shooting period. I use cornmeal as a filler and crisco as a bullet lube. But keep in mind, I seldom see temperatures above 80 degrees. I figure that I'm going to clean the gun anyway and besides, the crisco is supposed to be good for your comlexion isn't it??

Us old farts will try anything to keep from getting older.
Foto Joe
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