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Old January 3, 2012, 02:35 PM   #51
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Join Date: May 4, 2010
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maybe you could point out the absolute futility of trying to stalk a deer on foot in that layer of brittle, crunchy oak leaves.

Those old stories about injuns sneaking up on and whomping a deer on the head with a rock are mostly bullcrap. some areas of this country you couldn't sneak up on a scarecrow.

You get a 6 inch layer of that stuff on the ground, and you either step on it or move it, and either way, it is loud.

Fifteen years ago, PETA ordered 25,000 realtree patterned whoopie cushions, and they spent weeks spreading them through the forests in august and september, before the leaves fell and covered them. the plan was for hunters to be stalking through the forest, stepping on whoopie cushions every few minutes, and driving off any game that might be nearby.

The hunters never even noticed them. Isn't that sound heard from one end of the world to the other all through deer season? the deer, on the other hand, enjoyed them. hundreds of hunters reported hormonally challenged bucks standing in the forest, stomping on whoopie cushions and laughing. it must have been just like a week at delta house. the hunters would follow the sound of what they thought to be a flatulent, snorting buck.

The harvest of bucks was phenomenal, although it was mostly the less mature ones brought to the table. peta sued the maker of the whoopie cushions for fraud, because there was no warning label on them relating that deer found fart sounds to be amusing. the case was thrown out with prejudice because, in the judges words,

"this is not a case of protecting the consumer from poor product design or a faulty product. The plaintiff ordered the product with clear intent to use it in a manner not supported by the designers. The packaging instructions clearly state 'people love the classic whoopie cushion!' Omission of labels warning that immature, horny young bucks also like woopie cushions is not to be constituted as either a flaw in product, or deceit."
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