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Old December 6, 2009, 03:56 AM   #7
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Join Date: March 26, 2009
Location: Salt Lake City, UT
Posts: 428
FM, you seem to stereotype all hunters into one class. I am not sure where you are hunting, but I do not see what you see. Yes, it can get somewhat crowded hunting in Utah (especially northern) because of the limited amount of public land, but to make a blanket statement that hunters during the general deer season have low IQ's is moronic.

There are always going to be those who don't follow the rules, litter, etc. That is going to happen everywhere regardless of how long the season is. Shutting down deer season all together will not change that.

I hunt every year at one of the most croweded places in Northern Utah. It looks like a small city on opening weekend there are so many trailers. The MAJORITY of these campers/hunters clean up to the point when I pull out of camp the day after closing you would have to look hard to find a single piece of trash. Just my .02 cents.
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