Thread: Bad Habits
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Old September 18, 2009, 05:29 PM   #35
Join Date: October 13, 2002
Location: San Diego, CA
Posts: 87
Dang! From the title "Bad Habits" I thought we were going to see some pics of nuns with guns!

I was going to say that I liked learning with a .38 with wadcutters because of the visual feedback. I could clearly see where every round hit, right out to 25 yards. Couldn't see where a .22 hit even at 10 yards.

But then I realized... I had actually been shooting for years before I ever got to try the .38 so I already knew what recoil and noise were. The biggest obstacle for SOME new shooters is not realizing ahead of time just how loud firing a handgun can be. Especially at an indoor range.

So, thinking it over, I think for people who are going to be nervous or frightened at that first shot - have them use a .22 outdoors.

If they are not going to be bothered by it, start them on any caliber.

The trouble lies in knowing ahead of time how they will react - so it can just be easier to start with the .22 then progress as fast as they are comfortable.
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