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Old September 8, 2009, 12:16 AM   #12
Senior Member
Join Date: February 17, 2006
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Vest pretty much scream gun and jackets aren't always practical. I prefer a three count draw.

1.) With a Polo/T-shirt (any pull over), weak hand crosses all the way over to outside of strong side thigh. Come up under the shirt and bring shirt and hand to top of strong side upper peck/shoulder. Strong side arm is bent and the hand has stabbed the pistol grip.

2.) Draw pistol up essentially into your armpit. Come up high with the strong side shoulder, (it should be a little uncomfortable in the shoulder blade area). Muzzle should be down range at an angle that would send a round into the ground about 6ft in front of you. This allows you to immediately engage attackers at contact distance and allows you good weapons retention.

3.) Slide pistol across strong side peck and meet weak side hand immediately. Two handed grip will be complete as pistol is centered in chest and muzzle should be level. Inside of both forearms are in contact with each peck when centered. Finger now on trigger and slack is being taken up as you begin to extend out (how far you extend is dependent on how close threat is). Shot should break the minute you have extended far enough to be on target.

4.) Holster in reverse order.

Button up shirt must be untucked and one or two bottom buttons need to be left unbuttoned. This method also applies to a vest or jacket.

1.) Bring your strong side hand around dead center (belly button). I keep my one finger on top of the other going from my stomach outwards rather than palm down on stomach. Sweep strong hand under garment and sweep it back, stab the pistol grip. Weak hand should move to strong side peck/shoulder just as before.

2.) Same as above.

3.) Same as above.

4.) Same as above.

Both methods are easy to master if you have someone show you. It is actually easier to do than try to explain in writing. Most shooters completely ignore the draw. It just takes a little practice to master and get very smooth and fast at doing.
"There are no stupid questions, just stupid people asking questions".

Last edited by ranburr; September 8, 2009 at 12:32 AM.
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