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Old April 9, 2000, 11:12 AM   #14
Join Date: April 8, 2000
Location: Upwind of Albuquerque, NM USA
Posts: 81
Widener's can be one of the most exasperating businesses to deal with. They advertise a great selection of items and sometimes have them in stock. Doesn't matter, though, they'll take your money (or charge your credit card) and you'll wait...and wait...and wait...

I know a lot of us are spoiled by great, no, SUPER customer service by the likes of RCBS, Ruger, Dillon, and the like. Don't hold your breath with Widener's. Their attitude is, you called US, we didn't call YOU!

As for their website, it's the worst I've ever wasted my time on. Don't take my word for it, next time your melatonin fails to kick in, peruse their 19th century technological masterpiece for yourself.

I won't cut off my nose despite my face, I make about one order every third year from them, because they do have a few good deals (especially on .223 bullets and a couple of other items), but otherwise I'll save myself a lot of hassle and patronize companies who remember who keeps them in business.

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