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Old April 16, 2005, 02:33 PM   #32
Whiskey Tango
Junior member
Join Date: April 8, 2005
Posts: 58
I had an agry guy following me one time as a senior in HS.

In the good old state of Florida (since I am not 21 to get a CCW Permit), I am legally allowed to have my firearm in my truck, securely encased, and so it is. It's holstered into a snap retention holster that was sewn into my seat, and when I leave the truck, it goes into a locked tailgate toolbox unloaded with locks on the gun itself also.

This elderly guy, full white head of hair and his wife were driving an 86-ish Ford Econoline following a few cars behind me through a school zone. I am anal about defensive driving, and do my best to better my driving habits. And since the last week had speed traps in the school zone, I was doing 15 per the School Speed limit sign.

This guy went nuts, he crossed the solid yellow line, sped up towards on coming traffic to yell at me, and before it was too late he merged into my lane to avoid a head on collision, to avoid him, I went off the road with my truck.

I got back on the road, and he got behind me again. I made a left at a stop sign, he followed me, and layed into his horn. He did the same thing again, ran me off the road. I was a bit nervous with adrenaline, and had NO THOUGHT OF PULLING MY GUN. I tried for about 30 minutes to lose this guy, and just kept following me, and I don't have a cell phone.

I had enough eventually, and decided to go home and let him follow me. I gunned it down a side road, he kept pace, and I turned into my driveway, and pulled to the garage while it was opening. I figured the dude would drive off, but he came to my driveway, got out and proceded to my house.

While he was doing that, my Bushmaster was being loaded with a 30 rounder. Before he got to my house, I exited my house armed out the back, while my girlfriend called the police and gave a description of me. He kept banging on my door non stop, and I snuck around the house and told him to turn around. I was at a vantage point where had his wife in the truck pull a gun, I could easily neutralize her to save my life, but as soon as I had walked around to tell the guy to leave, his wife as she saw my rifle, got out of the van, and laid on the ground face down. The guy decided to put his hands in the air, and I walked him over to his van at point to wait for the police.

I was pretty proud of how I handled myself, kept my cool, and didn't do anything rash with a firearm. The arresting officer told me that what I did was legal, and told me I might want to invest in a cellular phone. Didn't want my rifle as evidence or anything.

My firearms are only to be used if I'm at a range, or if I feel my life or another's may be in danger, and I did when he approached my house.
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