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Old July 9, 2005, 08:29 PM   #7
Mike P.
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Join Date: March 4, 2005
Location: Under Western Skies
Posts: 100
A canned hunter is the same as cockfighter? It seems that you like to buy into animal rights propaganda. I'm in one the last two free states where game roosters can be fought. They are matched by weight and are bred specifically for what they do. The breeds originated and exist to fight. They do it naturally. They damn sure have a better life than any chicken that you pick up at KFC. It's nothing like shooting a cat in a cage. When the HSUS gets cockfighting made illegal, there going after hunting dogs. Where do you think this hog dogging nonsense that they're trying to get made illegal everywhere is going to lead? If you go after coyotes with Greyhounds or hogs with Argentine Dogos, your days are numbered. When they get done with that, they'll go after trapping. And then they will go after man on animal hunting, piece by piece by piece.
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