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Old September 22, 2015, 11:06 PM   #55
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Join Date: September 7, 2001
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Friend, I understand your question. And I know that each and every one has their own experience to relate, and to follow. My children were raised in a home with firearms.

That being said, here's my advice:

Do NOT take the chance.

1. Start telling your children NOW about firearms. Let them be present when you clean them and/or handle them.

2. Educate them each and every time that they touch them about gun safety. At a bare minimum, always emphasize the three basic safety rules:

a. ALL guns are ALWAYS loaded.
b. ALWAYS keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot.
c. ALWAYS be sure of your target and what is beyond it.

3. Tell them that if they ever want to see one of your guns that all they have to do is to ask. You will be glad to show it to them, no matter when it is--except if any of their friends are over. Tell them that they should NEVER touch a firearm unless you are present and give them permission.

4. As for their friends, use the Eddie Eagle guidelines from the NRA: Stop! Don't touch! Leave the area! Get an adult!

Now comes the part you may not like.

Get a safe. NOT a small safe, and not a key-only design. Get a BIG safe with a combination.

NEVER leave ANY firearms unattended and unsecured in your home.

If you want to have a firearm handy, strap on a holster and carry it while on your property. When you go to bed, put it where you can get it.


Unless your wife shows an interest, do not leave any out. EVER. I don't care how mature and responsible you are, all children are curious....and it only takes the time that a sear is released and a hammer or striker falls for a life changing tragedy to occur. No shortcuts, friend. Best of luck to you.
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