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Old March 6, 2012, 11:18 AM   #8
Irish B
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Join Date: October 10, 2010
Location: Colorado
Posts: 359
Rubber slugs are very successful at getting rid of marauding black bear. Many people seem to think bear react like african lion in that if you disturb them in any way they'll come after and charge you. Usually you can scare them away by just charging at them and yelling but then theyll be back the next day. Nothing puts the fear of God into a bear like a rubber slug. It prevents them from ever wanting to come back. Also I've never shot a rubber slug at a bear that was facing me or walking towards me. Always after i've started to chase them that way they're already submissive and by them running they're showing that you're dominant. This has proven effective in keeping bear away for a lot of DOW agencies. You usually only need to hit a bear once with a rubber slug to drive the point home. Unloading a magazine of rubber into the bear would not only be cruel but extremely dangerous. On a side note I would never use a rubber slug on a bear that was acting aggressive towards me or I thought was putting me in danger.
If a man hasn't found something worth dying for, he isn't fit to live
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