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Old April 28, 2005, 11:27 AM   #16
the possum
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Join Date: November 6, 2004
Location: Southern Illinois
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Don't mean to get too far off topic, but when someone mentioned using grilles intead of screens, it brought back some memories.

I took some metalsmithing courses back in college, and had the pleasure of sharing workspace with some truly gifted artists. I remember the name of Eric Cuper now because of the fancy grilles he made to cover windows and doors. I believe he lived (or lives) on the east coast, and was inpired by sea creatures- he made some awesome grilles with a squid or cuttlefish theme.

I couldn't find any pictures of his work online, but here is an example of another such grille in a different style. It's much stronger and more secure than a screen door, and prettier to boot.
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