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Old February 2, 2009, 04:00 PM   #17
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Join Date: January 21, 2009
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If inside inside the homeowners domicile, deadly force can be can be used against them, especially under Castle state laws.

Again, the homeowner or CCW is not trained to detain. They are schooled to resist deadly force and call 911.

A police officer has to act in the interest of the alleged perpetrator's rights, but the homeowner doesn't. If an intruder is in the house - identify them accurately, order them to leave immediately, and shoot them if they don't.

It's really a clear bright line situation if the perp is inside. Don't complicate it with maybe's and what-if's. All those semi-innocent situations are not the majority, and many intruder's are negligent - knowingly under the influence.

Yes, it's important to understand your local jurisdiction's interpretation, but we're not going to list the variations of 50 states, thousands of counties, and hundreds of thousands of municipalities. What they commonly boil down to - in general - is shoot the intruder. Don't detain.

Your Municipality May Vary.
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