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Old July 11, 2009, 08:50 PM   #5
Senior Member
Join Date: June 15, 2006
Posts: 101
+1 On advice from other two members!!


There is a principle in law enforcement called disparity of force in use of force scenarios. Notice I said Law Enforcement, but I think this provides a sound basis for civilians as well, state laws etc... permitting. If a person can articulate disparity of force ie much stronger, younger attacker, exhaustion, or physical impairment that does not allow you to fight any longer you can make an argument for justification for use of deadly force. You must also articulate means of doing harm, opportunity to do harm, and intent. You must also have a fear of him causing your death or grievous bodily harm, which as we all know can be accomplished by a good but whippin!!

Obviously, approaching you in a casual way has not met any of those so call the "law" and avoid him. Get a report every time you call or start a paper trail with evidence of him violating the protection order. Caveat: should something happen and if it is percieved in any way that you sought a confrontation you SOL (Capital Murder-Manslaughter). Also, unfortunately, keep in mind even an innocent post like this could be used against someone in court. I could very easily see some anti-gun DA seizing a computer and you know the rest... Suddenly you're a depraved "gun nut" who was seeking a "recipe" for murder!

It sounds crazy but believe me it's not far from the truth. Best of luck and I really hope there is a peacefull resolution.

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