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Old February 17, 2002, 02:00 PM   #14
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Join Date: November 12, 2000
Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado
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This is all totally ridiculous. No AP ammo, no pistol grips, bayonet lugs, flash hiders, guns too small, too big, too destructive, too much capacity, shoots too fast, too little noise...Enough already.

I know, I know, if you apply, pay the fee, take the class, do a background check, sign the form in black ink on a tuesday in a chair made of wood facing north, they may let you do it temporarily...

Where does it end? Where does attemping to be law abiding cross its final line? If they outlaw synthetic stocks tomorrow, will you all run out and buy wood? Soon they'll have us back to black powder only, is that what you'll defend and draw the line at?

"Its the citizens responsibility to know the laws and be in compliance", Great. Wonderful. I want to be lawful. I'm no threat to my fellow man. What do I do to be lawful and compliant? Oh, become a legal scholar, dig thru all thier volumes of legalistic babble and hope I get it right. "Sorry Edward429451, its only the third thursday of the second month you can do that, off to the pokey with you, you terrorist..."

If they wanted us to be ABLE to be lawful, they'd make it in plain english, easily understood. They dont. Taxes are the same way, ever try to understand the tax code? Pure BS..

If its the citizens responsibility to be knowledgeable and compliant, wherein is the governments responsibility to be compliant with the law, (Constitution)? The people. I reread the 2nd and cant seem to find where it says except black tip in .308 cases...

I feel like if you dont want to be stuck with a black powder arm, you must draw the line before they get to them. Use your own judgement. If you're not a criminal (A REAL criminal, not just some guy who wants to load up some .308AP), then its your right to go right ahead. If a bunch of ninja clad bad guys show up at your home to collect it and arrest and/or kill you for it, then thats tyranny, baby. Concorde. The british are coming, the british are coming. They wear black instead of red nowadays...Resist Enthusiastically! Some Vermin have kevlar hides...Punch through...

"I'll give up my black powder when they pry it from my cold dead fingers?" BAAAAAA....

Have fun with your AP .308's, but keep it low profile, some sheep bleat fast to a plea bargain if it benifits thier family...

Rant off.
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