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Old February 5, 2011, 08:41 PM   #5
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Thanks to all for the thoughts and detailed responses. I guess what perplexes me most is how different it is shooting at 50 and 25 yards. If I can average 89 at rapid fire with a revolver, it would stand to reason, at least mathematically, that I could average at least 78 with the same gun at 50 yards (doubling the # of points lost from the max of 100 due to the doubled distance). The ring size may even grow disproportionately with distance from the center (I can't remember exactly) which would tend to make the loss of points even less.

I don't know, maybe at this point it's mostly mental and a lack of confidence at the greater distance. I really want to turn slow fire from something to be dreaded and survived into something I look forward to. I've been tempted to stand up to the slow fire line and blast away like it's rapid fire. Maybe the cadence of the repeated shots would help my own repeatability, but of course that's not really the idea of slow fire.

Kraig -

Thanks very much for the offer, I do have and have read the manual. I do try to follow what it says - doing the same thing every time, breath control, focusing on the front sight, gently releasing the trigger so that it "surprises" me, etc. I will continue to review. My practice time is limited, which is also another big issue I'm sure. It's just surprising to me that it hurts results so much more at 50 than 25.
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