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Old February 2, 2006, 07:16 PM   #47
Join Date: March 27, 2005
Posts: 54
The more I think about it the better I "like" the closing on the BG idea. This would all happen fast. Reaction times would seem like mollasssas runing uphill
plus all the factors there are to think about to come up with a strategy to tackle the issue.....Body armor....backstops.....what to do if the first couple of rounds dont do the trick....etc.

Closing gives you one solid solitary motivation.........ATTACK!! If he swings on you with the long gun at any distance your screwed, if you empty a snubbie into him and hes wearing body armor he COULD get really pissed off and swing on you, If you fire head shots and miss (highly likely considering the crap-your-pants factor) you give away the element of suprise. Maybe the best defense in this scenario is a quick VIOLENT offense.

I stand by my point before, handgun vs. rifle or shotgun = suicide. Being outguned, acting unconventional could be the answer. No matter what, the likleyhood of getting smoked is a little high for my taste!
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