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Old July 18, 2012, 09:50 AM   #1
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Powder burn rate: Can someone help explain this to me?

Ok, so from my understanding, different powders burn at different rates, some slow and some faster than others. This affects how the round react (How exactly I'm still trying to grasp), correct me if I'm wrong, but the faster the burn rate, the larget the combustion, and the faster the round goes, which also leads to higher chamber pressures which may damage firearms not designed for a "hot" load?

On the other hand, slower burning powders may yield and underpowered cartridge for some firearms leading to failure to properly cycle or what have you.

An example I can think of is the M1 Garand, it likes a very specific type of powder and deviation from this can cause many problems, such as a bent op rod from loads that are too hot.

Now, in regards to this, how do I know what kind of powder is in commercial ammunition and what would be safe to fire in my rifles? I can read a box all day, but I'm not entirely sure what I'm looking for really.

Some more clarification on this would be appreciated.
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