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Old November 1, 2013, 02:25 PM   #36
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First, you cannot categorically say it "works" the policy has been in place for an extremely long time, and there's no evidence that stop and frisk is a prime factor in the drop in(or significantly affects) crime rate of NYC, which coincides, albeit more dramatically(one should note the increase in crime was also more pronounced), with the overall drop in the national crime rates. The laws and policies that affect the NYC practices went into effect there in the 70s, if it alone is so effective, one would imagine that instead of a dramatic increase in crime right after the inception, there would have at least been a stabilization.

Second, roughly 90% of the stops result in no crime found, kind of hard to believe that that often, the officers had RAS but were incorrect in their assessment. If this is shown to the case is shows a huge failure in the NYC training of what constitutes RAS.

Third, even if it were shown to be a prime factor in the drop in crime rates, not all law enforcement tools are appropriate regardless of effectiveness. A complete police state is also pretty effective in lowering crime, but just because it works, does not make it an acceptable practice.
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