Thread: Winter time CCW
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Old December 22, 2011, 09:56 PM   #36
Senior Member
Join Date: February 15, 2009
Location: Ohio
Posts: 394
If only, Ohio knife laws are pretty vague...and yet strangely specific at the same time, and our carry permits do not cover weapons other than pistols. Rather unfortunate, I would actually prefer a dagger to a pistol in many cases - such as heavy clothing, distance from assailant, bystanders, etc.
The following was obtained from Buckeye a reputable group of people that fight for gun rights in Ohio and share the enthusiasm for weapons with everyone in the gun nation

"Myth: You are more likely to be injured or killed using a gun for self-defense
Fact: You are far more likely to survive a violent assault if you defend yourself with a gun. In episodes where a robbery victim was injured, the injury/defense rates are:

Resisting with a gun 6%

Did nothing at all 25%

Resisted with a knife 40%

Non-violent resistance 45%"

Id take a gun over a knife anyday
"If you show up to a fair fight, you're not prepared" -Unidentified Marine Sniper Instructor
"The philosophy of gun control: Teenagers are roaring through town at 90MPH, where the speed limit is 25. Your solution is to lower the speed limit to 20."
- Sam Cohen
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