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Old January 3, 2010, 10:21 PM   #20
Join Date: June 8, 2008
Posts: 4,022
A self defense shooting is a self defense shooting, its ligit or it isnt. Regardless whether you loaded the ammo or the factory did.
True fact, no question about it.

In some cases it will be plainly obvious that the shooting was justified; in others, it may not. At that point, it becomes a matter of putting on the scale the evidence of justifiability necessary to mount an affirmative defense, opposite the opposing evidence.

It is possible that the shooter may have to rely upon gunshot residue (GSR) evidence to show that the distance involved supports his claim of imminent danger. If that evidence is not admitted, he will not be able to use it, period. If the loads used were hand loaded, it is highly likely that the GSR evidence will not be admitted.

How likely will it be that GSR evidence will become a factor? That depends entirely upon the circumstances of the case at hand.

Could be that the likelihood is remote. For me, however, it's not the odds but the stakes that matter.
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