Thread: new le mat
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Old December 11, 2012, 10:03 PM   #12
Bill Carson
Join Date: September 20, 2012
Posts: 29
Indy 1919. I'll have to do some experimenting with the lemats shot capabilties. I think they are limited to close range. my friend who helped the late H Madus on his writings told me of an acount where the shot barrel was held as a backup while reloading the other 9 shots. also, I see no reason why a mix of 3 buck and #4s couldn't be used. remember these were military weapons designed to stop or disable an opponent. as for the spur, it does afford a good steady hold. but, to me its also an appearance thing. good looks on a gun are defind by its lines and symmetry. the spur gives an extra feature via its curved line enhancing the curve of the handle and giving an otherwise awkward looking gun symmetry. I'm still working on the image part of my post. b.c.
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