Thread: In the white?
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Old December 23, 1998, 07:50 AM   #18
George Stringer
Staff Alumnus
Join Date: October 12, 1998
Location: Earlington KY
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Dicro-Clean is a detergent type cleaner that is used by gunsmiths when preparing a gun for rebluing. Gun parts are suspended in the cleaner mixed with water for 15-20 minutes at 180 degrees. The actual alkali content, I couldn't say. Slightly alkali is the manufacturer's description of their product. Not being a chemist I can't really say why the alkali reacted like this other than to say that where there are weakened areas it will get under the finish and remove it. It's sort of like Alka-Seltzer. I don't know why it fizzes and disolves in water; just that it does. BTW, the barrel was steel and unaffected. Winners? I don't really see any, but since Rob volunteered the prizes I'll let him be judge on this one. This was sort of a "trick" question I guess. I didn't really mean it to be. Anyway, the moral of the story is know what you are using on your guns. George
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