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Old January 5, 2020, 09:28 PM   #21
Bartholomew Roberts
Join Date: June 12, 2000
Location: Texas and Oklahoma area
Posts: 8,462
The “too soon” morally window passed a decade or more ago, despite my protestations to the contrary at that time as evidenced here.

Now I feel like we are just guessing on when the “too soon” practically window is; while still hoping I’m wrong about the whole thing but no longer believing I am.

When I was younger, it was difficult for me to conceive that someone would sacrifice their own country for their personal advancement. That just didn’t happen where I grew up because people would know and talk and you’d be out of a job.

Now after more political experience, not only do I believe there are a lot of those people at the national level (especially in the unelected straphanger category); but I believe that many of them lack the sense to understand they are issuing a “Kneel or destroy us!” challenge that will certainly result in their destruction. The people leading this country aren’t any better, smarter, or brighter than the guy selling you milk. They just have experience in a narrow specialty that most of us lack and a good network that is concerned with self-preservation first.

But they do have determination, and they mean to push the issue until they are hanging by their heels from a lamppost. When they are being pulled up on the lamppost by the rope, they’ll still be thinking “How dare these dirty peasants touch me!”

That’s my 20 year evolution here. Make of it what you will.

Last edited by Bartholomew Roberts; January 5, 2020 at 09:45 PM.
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