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Old May 26, 2019, 12:13 AM   #38
Join Date: February 12, 2001
Location: DFW Area
Posts: 24,985
Some guys have huge pockets, apparently.
I remember Jan Libourel writing about carrying a full-sized pistol (I think it was a 1911) in his pants pocket wrapped in some kind of rag to break up the outline.

Either another gunwriter, or maybe someone who wrote in with a letter, commented that although people might not be able to tell that it was a gun in his pocket, they might think he had a can of pork and beans in there. Obviously deriding him for his less than practical carry solution.

I use all my pockets for things I can't carry other ways, so pocket carry isn't a good option for me.

Also, although no one would accuse me of wearing tight clothes, I don't wear my clothes anywhere near loose enough to carry a gun in my pocket in such a way that I would be able to reasonably access it in anything like a semblance of alacrity. I also don't wear them loose enough that I could reasonably easily walk around with my hand in my pocket on my gun to try to make my draw a little faster.

I have carried in a coat pocket, but I wasn't happy with that for a number of reasons--not the least of which, I can't reasonably wear a coat for most of the year, and I take my coat off inside because it's uncomfortably hot.

Maybe if I switched to wearing some other kind of pants with much larger pockets, things would be different.
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