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Old November 20, 2018, 04:03 PM   #50
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Spacemanspiff; "However, if a person thinks they have to call police because someone yells at them, and labels it 'misdemeanor assault', that's just a little bit of a waste of time. Will the person who yelled get arrested? No. Will they even get a ticket? Probably not. Will it change their behavior in the future? Not likely. Is it even a crime to follow someone? Please, someone cite your local statutes or laws stating that it is a crime to follow another driver."

Exactly my point. Think how often we inadvertently make a mistake driving and someone honks or flips the bird. I can't imagine calling the police every time that happens, or because some hothead tailgates me on I95 and won't pass. Yes, the Police will respond and investigate "legitimate" road rage incidents (actual threats conveyed, vehicle collisions, etc.), but where do we draw the line pertaining to labeling every little action as "ROAD RAGE" and calling 911? At what point do we become the politically correct little boy who became triggered and cried Wolf?

And we have an LEO (Ton), who advocated;
"As a police officer, I would advise that you call the police any time you reasonably determine somebody is following you. Don't worry about non emergency, just call 911".

Unfortunately, without applying common sense, which many in modern society lack, that well intentioned advice can and will easily be misconstrued and abused. The result is wasting precious tax dollars and understaffed / over strained emergency resources on BS calls because someone had their "feelings" hurt over the middle finger, or the person behind them just happens to be traveling in the same direction. Ignoring / defusing the offending party, barring any REAL immediate threat (verbal threats of harm, weapon displayed, vehicle bumping, etc.), is perhaps ones best action, as the OP demonstrated.

Last edited by shurshot; November 20, 2018 at 05:09 PM.
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