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Old September 25, 2007, 08:18 AM   #51
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EasyG I agree with some of your comments, but disagree with others.

"But I refuse to submit to criminals who intend to harm me or my family."

I agree, and will use whatever force is at my disposal in defense of my family. I have inspected and launched aircraft capable of taking out whole cities, perhaps even small countries, without moral hesitation. If I didn't believe in using force to protect my family, even extended family, this would not have been morally OK with me.

"And I refuse to sit by, doing nothing, and watch, as criminals harm other innocent people."

Again, I agree. For me to function in the military it helped me to think of all my countrymen as "extended family". Of course I live in appalacia so most people I run into are in actual fact "extended family".

"And I refuse to sit by, doing nothing, as criminals take that which I have worked so hard to have."

This is where I have a problem. While I would not "do nothing" I fear you consider anything less than using deadly force as "doing nothing". I would not use deadly force to protect belongings, but understand why others might.

"And I refuse to run away or hide while criminals invade my home."

Pride goes before the fall, or whatever that quote is. Nothing you said bothers me as much as this. It implies that your pride is more important than your life. I have no macho need to prove myself by putting myself in harms way if I can possibly avoid it. I am a single parent of a 13 year old, and although my mother or grown daughter could probably raise him they might not do so the way I would. I feel sorry for anyone who is so insecure that they would rather risk their life than be seen as a coward. I know I am a coward, I have run from people with knives and tireirons, I have crawled on my belly in a stream while idiots shot at me, and I would do so again in those same situations. Alas I can not crawl or run as well as I once could. My years of experience have taught me that running and hiding is a very underrated self defense tool.
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