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Old January 2, 2020, 06:31 PM   #5
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Join Date: November 13, 2006
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I can tell you my concern.

Written into every law,will be (sooner or later) the means to enforce. Lets not forget the Agency ,like the BATF,does not need the legislature to write regulations with force of law.

So,please tell me in detail how,without registration, this UBC can be enforced?

Will the "Honor System" suffice?

It seems these days we have to be able to prove our innocence. We already have a 2A that says "Keep,and bear arms ,shall not be infringed" That's my Right till the State can prove I'm a criminal.

And that's what "common sense gun laws " do. They provide the procedural means to make criminals out of innocent people. Words on a page, and what was Freedom becomes a crime.

Without registration (your promise) how can you know whether I'm innocent of selling my brother a gun?

HMMM. So it WILL come to pass that I will be required to prove myself innocent.

The obvious solution is the government entity must have a detailed inventory of every firearm in my possession. And of course,in order to assure my COMPLIANCE WITH THE LAW, I must be subject to audit.

Just like a FFL/BATF audit. Of couse,there will be "implied consent"

And if the audit shows one more gun,or one less gun than the government inventory says I should have, I'm guilty till provem innocent of being a criminal who broke the "Common Sense UBC Law"

I hope that spells it out for you.

I forget the details,but maybe James Madison observed tat we cannot rely on those who gain political power to be honorable or trusted with our Liberty.

That is the Genius behind a Constitution based on Individual Liberty and LIMITED government.

No,I do not consent to or trust the soft sell behind "Universal Background Check" Its one ,ore step to tyranny.

I truly hope you learned something

Last edited by HiBC; January 2, 2020 at 09:17 PM.
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