Thread: Safari hunts...
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Old October 5, 2006, 10:20 PM   #4
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Join Date: March 14, 2006
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I'm glad to see great minds think alike! And to stinger, yes I do hunt. I hunt ducks, which I eat. I hunt deer, which I eat. I hunt coyotes, which do a lot of eating on my best friends livestock. I shoot targets, which don't die when I shoot them. I don't care who you are, if you are going to shoot something just to put it on your wall the you are wrong. The world would be a better place without you if thats how you feel. If we had less people like that then many animals wouldn't be extinct or endangered. Why do you think about 5%(if that) of the continent of Africa allow hunting? There was an African man that spoke in one of my classes at school. I asked him about hunting and he said "There is no hunting in many areas and if there is it is very controlled. This is why people come to our continent to see our beautiful animals. We have them. You (America) killed all of yours."
By the way, have you ever heard the expression "that's like shooting fish in a barrel"? The hippo had no chance to retreat and he wasn't injured. He had old scars like the rest of the herd. And the leopard was baited into a tree. Also, no chance to retreat. Baiting animals is wrong. If you aren't man enough to go looking for a leopard with a gun in your hands then dont hunt them. If you aren't a good enough hunter to "hunt" one down then leave it to nature to take your leopard. And by the way, without that gun in your hands, you aren't as high on the food chain as you think!
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