Thread: Cave Johnson
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Old January 21, 2013, 07:26 PM   #4
Join Date: October 13, 2001
Posts: 3,355
The message was an old one from back when TFL was moving servers. The message has been fixed. It's a 50x error page, triggered either when there's some (unusual) server error, or when you request a lot of php pages in a short amount of time. If that page weren't there, you'd get a pure text, and more cryptic, 50x error message instead.

The "fictitious character's site" happens to be youtube. It's an embedded youtube video.
“The egg hatched...” “...the egg hatched... and a hundred baby spiders came out...” (blade runner)
“Who are you?” “A friend. I'm here to prevent you from making a mistake.” “You have no idea what I'm doing here, friend.” “In specific terms, no, but I swore an oath to protect the world...” (continuum)
“It's a goal you won't understand until later. Your job is to make sure he doesn't achieve the goal.” (bsg)
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