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Old May 2, 2009, 12:52 PM   #26
Ricky B
Senior Member
Join Date: November 3, 2002
Posts: 251
Think of it this way, you must have it locked because it's not being carried openly and unloaded.
I hope this helps.
The light bulb has gone off! I understand better what you've been saying.

I was focused on the fact that 12025 mostly addresses carrying in vehicle (subsections (1) and (3)), but subsection (2) (which I had not focused on) also addresses carrying on the person. And carrying a handgun in a hand-held container could well be considered concealed on the person.

Therefore 12026.1 could be read to mean that subsection (1) of 12026.1 allows concealed carrying in a vehicle (otherwise prohibited by subsection (1) of 12025) and that subsection (2) of 12026.1 allows concealed carrying on the person (otherwise prohibited by subsection (2) of 12025) as long as the concealed carrying on the person is limited to "to or from" the vehicle in a locked box.

I like that reading better. Thanks.
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