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Old February 3, 2013, 07:15 PM   #4
Join Date: July 10, 2012
Location: NE/Central Ohio
Posts: 57
So many inaccuracies and stupid comments in that story. I kinda want to cry.

Range on the Barrett is 5 miles? Maybe max range, but sure as heck not effective range. Longest confirmed kill is 2,515 yards with an M82a1 according to Wiki. Sue me, I'm watching the Super Bowl and don't feel like doing a lot of research.

I know if you offered my unit the Bushmaster that the Newtown shooter supposedly used instead of our M4s, we'd laugh at you. I'd take it for free, but give up my M4 and use that instead? No thank you.

I want to see the angry teenaged mass shooter who can afford the NFA taxes on full autos, let alone the $400,000 plus needed to get one of TWELVE M134s legal to own (according to their own source). Or, you know, buy a car to mount it on. And afford the ammo. And do the electrical work to power the thing. It just goes on and on with the stupidity of that one.

"Glocks are the weapons of choice for mass shooters..." Or whatever the exact quote was. I don't want to go back to that story to find out. You can't make me.
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