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Old August 11, 2019, 12:00 AM   #22
Senior Member
Join Date: December 20, 2007
Posts: 295
I think you have a screw loose. No, I mean that literally. Are you aware the screw that holds the elevation knob on can be loosened and moved without moving the sight (you have to hold onto the sight) in order to get the range numbers correctly aligned with the index mark on the frame? You then tighten the screw and the pinion that raises the sight then stops slipping. If this doesn't work, you need a new knob.

I recommend this approach. Turn (or push) the rear sight all the way down. Rotate the knob (also down) until the 100-yard mark lines up with the index line on the frame and then keep turning for 10 more clicks. Hang onto the knob and with your other hand, use a screwdriver to tighten the screw. Afterward, turning the knob the other way should raise the sight again.

10 clicks from the bottom is a sort of average-ish number for getting the knob range numbers correct for 100 yards with a 6:00 hold (it may be off a click one way or the other, but you have to start somewhere). So, with the screw now tight, turn the top of the knob toward you until the 200 mark is next to the index mark on the frame and go back to your 200-yard range and see if you are about there.
Thanks, Nick--I'll give it a whirl.
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