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Old January 10, 2011, 12:03 AM   #42
Shane Tuttle
Join Date: November 28, 2005
Location: Montana
Posts: 9,443
The zipper technique, at least as taught to me, is rounds on CNS starting from the first possible moment the gun can be brought to bear on the target and working up to the thoracic cavity. One begins shooting pretty much just out of the holster and uses rounds fired during the draw stroke / presentation to put a line of rounds up the bad guy's centerline. Tell me why that's a bad plan if you have the skill and that's what the circumstance dictates.
As I was taught the 4 points of draw from Randy Cain, the firearm is immediately tucked away from the assailant under the pectoral muscle tight against my rib along the side. The smallest fraction of a second from holster to that position doesn't really justify slinging bullets in the meantime. Actually, it leaves fewer rounds available to attempt center mass if anything. Other than that, you've proven my point that there may be a time for the zipper technique and don't see where we're disagreeing.
If it were up to me, the word "got" would be deleted from the English language.

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